TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)

A water's subtle taste and character are determined by the type and amount of minerals that it contains (Total Dissolved Solids, or TDS). The higher the mineral content, the more distinct a water's taste can be. 

Regulations regarding TDS vary throughout the world, however, like the U.S, Australiasian bottled water must contain at least 250 mg/L TDS to be labelled as mineral water, anything under that amount results in the water being spring water. 

Super Low <50 mg/L

Low 50-250 mg/L

Medium 250-800 mg/L

High 800-1500 mg/L

Very High 1500+ mg/L 

Pure One’s TDS is 780 mg/L

We are the only mineral water of our kind known in New Zealand to have this level of TDS - meaning, you will be discovering what a true New Zealand mineral water tastes like for the very first time (you'll find that most other waters are spring).

Our unique balance of minerals makes for the ideal drink for any occasion - in a restaurant, for performance, or for daily hydration at home or on the go. Nature's finest.

17 Essential Minerals

Pure One is the only known mineral water of its kind in New Zealand to have 17 of the 21 minerals considered essential for human health.

Essential minerals are nutrients required by the body for various aspects of human health. These minerals cannot by produced by the body and therefore have to be provided by our diets every day for optimum health.

Our 17 essential mineral include:

Collapsible content

Calcium (Ca)

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It is one of the most important minerals for building bones and teeth. It is present in the blood, to help with certain metabolic functions such as clotting of blood and the control of the passage of fluids through the cell walls. It is also essential to normal heart action and muscle contraction.

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions. It maintains normal nerve and muscle functions and supports a healthy immune system. It is essential for healthy sleep, mood, energy, blood pressure, bone health and stress management.

Sodium (Na)

Sodium helps to balance fluids and electrolytes; is required to produce digestive juices; helps eliminate carbon dioxide; aids correct nerve functioning. It plays a signalling role in our nervous system and is essential for cardiovascular health and muscle contraction.

Potassium (K)

Potassium is also responsible for helping balance fluids. It regulates transportation in and out of cells including the removal of toxins and delivery of nutrients, aids healing and promotes correct liver functioning. It’s especially important for nerve impulses, muscle contraction and healthy blood pressure.

Phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus is found in bones, teeth, and the protoplasm and nucleus of every cell. It is used in more bodily functions than any other mineral.

Chloride (CI-)

Chloride plays a role in balancing fluids, and digestive stomach acids. It also helps regulate blood pH and transport of carbon dioxide; promotes normal heart activity; aids the transport of electrical impulses throughout the body.

Iron (Fe)

Iron is best known for its role as a primary constituent of haemoglobin in red blood cells. It is an essential component of blood cells, carrying oxygen throughout the body. It is important for immunity and thyroid function, collagen synthesis and energy production.

Zinc (Zn)

Zinc helps with regulation of blood sugar, healing of wounds, transfer of carbon dioxide from tissue to lungs and protein production. It is also important for healthy reproductive system, vision, growth and blood clotting.

Cobalt (Co)

Cobalt is a component of vitamin B12. It plays a part in red blood cell production, regulation of certain enzymes and healthy nervous system. It aids in repair of myelin, which surrounds and protects nerve cells, is also part of the meninges (the protective layer around your brain) and it also helps in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Copper (Cu)

Copper is required primarily for the absorption and metabolism of iron. It is also involved in the production of red blood cells, supports immunity, nervous system, liver and skin health.

Manganese (Mn)

Manganese is necessary for the production of sex hormones, enzyme reactions, healthy bones and cartilage, and blood clotting. It’s essential for healthy brain, thyroid and nervous system.

Molybdenum (Mo)

Molybdenum promotes normal cell function and a healthy nervous system. It facilitates waste removal and the breakdown of some amino acids and, it also supports the production of red blood cells and kidney function.

Iodine (I)

Iodine is essential for regulating thyroid hormones, effecting mood, metabolism, weight management and healthy ovulation.

Selenium (Se)

Selenium helps regulate blood pressure and is essential for a healthy thyroid. It supports the immune system and acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight free-radicals. Another role of selenium is reducing toxicity caused by heavy metals.

Boron (B)

Boron helps to metabolise calcium and magnesium, and to regulate certain hormones. It also boosts bone density.

Vanadium (Va)

Vanadium helps with the regulation of sodium, the metabolism of glucose and lipids and it aids the production of red blood cells. It also encourages normal tissue growth and helps to reduce high blood sugar by mimicking the effects of insulin.

Chromium (Cr)

Chromium is important for helping to regulate blood sugar. It enhances the action of insulin and helps the body turn carbs, proteins and fats into energy. It’s also important for eye health and it helps with the absorption of calcium.


Mineral composition enables natural mineral waters to be classified depending on their most prevalent properties. These are bicarbonate mineral waters, sulphate mineral waters, chloride mineral waters, calcic mineral waters, magnesiac mineral waters, fluorurate mineral waters, ferrous mineral waters and sodium-rich mineral waters. The most prevalent properties found in Pure One are Sodium and Bicarbonate, meaning that our water is classified as ‘Sodium-Bicarbonate’ Mineral Water.

Studies have demonstrated the consumption of Sodium-Bicarbonate Mineral Water may:

Have a positive effect on the digestive tract

Neutralise acid secretion 

Increase the pH level in the gastric lumen

Create an alkaline environment and decrease bone resorption and bone resorption markers (C-telopeptides)

Decrease serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, to increase HDL-cholesterol

Replenish the salts leaked through intense physical activity

**Please note, sodium-rich mineral waters are not recommended to subjects suffering from cardiovascular diseases (CVD). 

Alkaline (pH)

The pH (potential hydrogen) measures the level of acidity or alkalinity. With a naturally high alkalinity, Pure One helps to restore and replenish our bodies from higher levels of acidity that may be caused by daily stresses, diet and poor sleep.

Water that is more alkaline, with a pH of 7.4 or higher, also plays a significant role when it comes to water absorption in the gut. Scientists have discovered that accelerated absorption of water in the gut helps with the proper hydration of different cell types in the body, including rapid hydration of your brain cells, which can greatly enhance cognitive function.

There is also growing evidence that alkaline water can adjust the function of certain cells within your immune system, and thereby reduce certain inflammatory responses. 

Acidic: pH 1.0-6.9

Neutral: pH 7

Alkaline: pH 7.1-14

Pure One’s pH level is 8.4-8.5

(Our water floats between 8.4-8.5 - there will always be slight variances in the level of our alkalinity due to our water being 100% natural).


Electrolytes are involved in many of our body’s essential functions, including our heart and brain health, exercise performance, energy levels, mood, immune health and hormone health. 

Unlike artificial sports drinks, Pure One is 100% Natural. Our well-balanced electrolytes help to rebalance and replenish your body throughout the day, as well as during periods of high-intensity exercise. 

Not only does our mineral water contain valuable nutrients, but it also contains zero sugar and zero calories.

Pure One's electrolyte levels:

Bicarbonate: 650 mg/L

Sodium: 342 mg/L

Chloride: 38 mg/L

Potassium: 3.3 mg/L

Calcium: 3.8 mg/L

Magnesium: 1.3 mg/L


A water’s nitrate levels are a good indication of the purity of the water’s source. These levels show how protected the water is from its surroundings as nitrate is an inorganic compound linked to human activity (introduced through the application of fertiliser containing nitrogen compounds; through decomposing animal wastes; and through septic systems and sewage treatment facilities).

Levels of nitrate in water:

Superior: 0-1 mg/L

Very Good: 1-4 mg/L

Good:4-7 mg/L

Acceptable: 7-10 mg/L

Potable: 10-50 mg/L 

Pure One’s nitrate level is <0.2 mg/L, which puts us in the 'superior' category. We have one of the lowest nitrate levels in the world, a true hallmark of the purity of our water source.

Living Water vs Dead Water

Not all water is the same when it comes to the hydration of cells, or, the support of life functions within the body. Some unique waters have biophotons present, indicating that that particular water is ‘living’ water.

Simply put, biophotons are light emissions by which cells communicate. As humans, our cells utilise this light energy (biophotons) to sustain life, if we did not have biophotons we would not live.

Most water is referred to as ‘dead’ water, which is a result of contamination of the water with pollution, pesticides, fertiliser, and other various chemicals often used to treat and process the water.

Pure One has been analysed with the result being that biophotons are present in our water, making our water ‘living’ water. ‘Living’ water can easily penetrate the cells in our body to supply it with energy, meaning less decline and degeneration and greater metabolic function and coherence. Biophotons in nutritious food and ‘living’ water can also provide order as well as energy to the body.

“We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light. And the modern science of photobiology … is presently proving this. In terms of healing, the implications are immense. We now know, for example, that quanta of light can initiate, or arrest, cascade-like reactions in the cells, and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”   

- Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, Biophysicist

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The information on this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical and/or health advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified medical/health care professional with any questions you may have regarding your health and treatment options.